- |
| - ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Single precision |
| -- ( hmaddr u wid 0 ... -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| --> ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| -[do ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-experimental | Counted Loops |
| -\d ( addr -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| -\s ( addr -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| -` ( "char" -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| ->here ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | Dictionary allocation |
| -c? ( addr class -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| -char ( char -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| -class ( class -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| -DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| -inf ( -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| -infinity ( -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| -LOOP ( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 u -- | loop-sys2 ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| -ltrace ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| -rot ( w1 w2 w3 -- w3 w1 w2 ) gforth-0.2 | Data stack |
| -stack ( x stack -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| -trailing ( c_addr u1 -- c_addr u2 ) string | String words |
| -trailing-garbage ( xc-addr u1 -- xc-addr u2 ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
, |
| , ( w -- ) core | Dictionary allocation |
; |
| ; ( compilation colon-sys -- ; run-time nest-sys -- ) core | Colon Definitions |
| ;] ( compile-time: quotation-sys -- ; run-time: -- xt ) gforth-1.0 | Quotations |
| ;> ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Closures |
| ;abi-code ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Assembler Definitions |
| ;code ( compilation. colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 ) tools-ext | Assembler Definitions |
| ;inline ( inline:-sys -- ) gforth-experimental | Colon Definitions |
| ;m ( colon-sys --; run-time: -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| ;s ( R:w -- ) gforth-0.2 | Calls and returns |
: |
| : ( "name" -- colon-sys ) core | Colon Definitions |
| :: ( class "name" -- ) mini-oof | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| :} ( hmaddr u wid 0 xt1 ... xtn -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| :}d ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0 | Closures |
| :}h ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0 | Closures |
| :}h1 ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0 | Closures |
| :}l ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0 | Closures |
| :}xt ( hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 a-addr1 u1 ... -- ) gforth-1.0 | Closures |
| :m ( "name" -- xt; run-time: object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| :noname ( -- xt colon-sys ) core-ext | Anonymous Definitions |
! |
| ! ( w a-addr -- ) core | Memory Access |
| !!FIXME!! ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| !@ ( u1 a-addr -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Hardware operations for multi-tasking |
| !resize ( rx ry rw rh rd -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| !size ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
? |
| ? ( a-addr -- ) tools | Examining data |
| ?!@ ( unew uold a-addr -- uprev ) gforth-experimental | Hardware operations for multi-tasking |
| ??? ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Debugging |
| ?cov+ ( flag -- flag ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| ?DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 -- | loop-sys ) core-ext | Counted Loops |
| ?dup ( w -- S:... w ) core | Data stack |
| ?DUP-0=-IF ( compilation -- orig ; run-time n -- n| ) gforth-0.2 | Arbitrary control structures |
| ?dup-IF ( compilation -- orig ; run-time n -- n| ) gforth-0.2 | Arbitrary control structures |
| ?errno-throw ( f -- ) gforth-1.0 | Exception Handling |
| ?events ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Message queues |
| ?EXIT ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Calls and returns |
| ?found ( token|0 -- token|never ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| ?inside ( rx ry -- act / 0 ) minos2 | actor methods |
| ?ior ( x -- ) gforth-1.0 | Exception Handling |
| ?LEAVE ( compilation -- ; run-time f | f loop-sys -- ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| ?of ( compilation -- of-sys ; run-time f -- ) gforth-1.0 | Arbitrary control structures |
. |
| . ( n -- ) core | Simple numeric output |
| .? ( addr -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| ... ( x1 .. xn -- x1 .. xn ) gforth-1.0 | Examining data |
| ..char ( start end -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| ." ( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- ) core | Miscellaneous output |
| .( ( compilation&interpretation 'ccc<close-paren>' -- ) core-ext | Miscellaneous output |
| .\" ( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.6 | Miscellaneous output |
| .cover-raw ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| .coverage ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| .debugline ( nfile nline -- ) gforth-0.6 | Debugging |
| .fpath ( -- ) gforth-0.4 | Source Search Paths |
| .hm ( nt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| .id ( nt -- ) gforth-0.6 | Name token |
| .included ( -- ) gforth-0.5 | Forth source files |
| .locale-csv ( -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| .path ( path-addr -- ) gforth-0.4 | General Search Paths |
| .quoted-csv ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-experimental | CSV reading and writing |
| .r ( n1 n2 -- ) core-ext | Simple numeric output |
| .recognizers ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Default Recognizers |
| .s ( -- ) tools | Examining data |
| .sections ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Sections |
| .substitute ( addr1 len1 -- n / ior ) gforth-experimental | Substitute |
| .unresolved ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Forward |
| .voc ( wid -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| .widget ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
' |
| ' ( "name" -- xt ) core | Execution token |
| 'cold ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Modifying the Startup Sequence |
| 's ( addr1 task -- addr2 ) gforth-experimental | Task-local data |
( |
| ( ( compilation 'ccc<close-paren>' -- ; run-time -- ) core,file | Comments |
| (( ( addr u -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| (local) ( addr u -- ) local | Standard Forth locals |
) |
| ) ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| )) ( -- flag ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
[ |
| [ ( -- ) core | Literals |
| [: ( compile-time: -- quotation-sys flag colon-sys ) gforth-1.0 | Quotations |
| [?DO] ( n-limit n-index -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| ['] ( compilation. "name" -- ; run-time. -- xt ) core | Execution token |
| [{: ( -- hmaddr u latest wid 0 ) gforth-experimental | Closures |
| [+LOOP] ( n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [AGAIN] ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [BEGIN] ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [bind] ( compile-time: "class" "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| [char] ( compilation '<spaces>ccc' -- ; run-time -- c ) core,xchar-ext | String and character literals |
| [COMP'] ( compilation "name" -- ; run-time -- w xt ) gforth-0.2 | Compilation token |
| [compile] ( compilation "name" -- ; run-time ? -- ? ) core-ext | Macros |
| [current] ( compile-time: "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| [defined] ( "<spaces>name" -- flag ) tools-ext | Interpreter Directives |
| [DO] ( n-limit n-index -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [ELSE] ( -- ) tools-ext | Interpreter Directives |
| [ENDIF] ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [FOR] ( n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [I] ( run-time -- n ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [IF] ( flag -- ) tools-ext | Interpreter Directives |
| [IFDEF] ( "<spaces>name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [IFUNDEF] ( "<spaces>name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [LOOP] ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [NEXT] ( n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [noop] ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| [parent] ( compile-time: "selector" -- ; run-time: ... object -- ... ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| [REPEAT] ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [THEN] ( -- ) tools-ext | Interpreter Directives |
| [to-inst] ( compile-time: "name" -- ; run-time: w -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| [undefined] ( "<spaces>name" -- flag ) tools-ext | Interpreter Directives |
| [UNTIL] ( flag -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
| [WHILE] ( flag -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpreter Directives |
] |
| ] ( -- ) core | Literals |
| ]] ( -- ) gforth-0.6 | Macros |
| ]L ( compilation: n -- ; run-time: -- n ) gforth-0.5 | Literals |
| ]nocov ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Code Coverage |
{ |
| { ( -- hmaddr u wid 0 ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| {: ( -- hmaddr u wid 0 ) local-ext | Locals definition words |
| {{ ( addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| {* ( addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| {** ( addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| {+ ( addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| {++ ( addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
} |
| } ( hmaddr u wid 0 xt1 ... xtn -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| }} ( addr addr -- addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
@ |
| @ ( a-addr -- w ) core | Memory Access |
| @localn ( noffset -- w ) gforth-internal | Locals implementation |
* |
| * ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Single precision |
| *} ( addr addr' -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| **} ( sys -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| */ ( ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) core | Integer division |
| */f ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) core | Integer division |
| */modf ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| */mods ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| */s ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| *align ( n -- ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| *aligned ( addr1 n -- addr2 ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
/ |
| / ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Integer division |
| // ( -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| //g ( ptr addr u -- addr' u' ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| //o ( ptr addr u -- addr' u' ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| //s ( ptr -- ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| /COUNTED-STRING ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| /f ( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| /f-stage1m ( n a-reci -- ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| /f-stage2m ( n1 a-reci -- nquotient ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| /HOLD ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| /l ( -- u ) gforth-0.7 | Address arithmetic |
| /mod ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) core | Integer division |
| /modf ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| /modf-stage2m ( n1 a-reci -- umodulus nquotient ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| /mods ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| /PAD ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| /s ( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| /string ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) string | String words |
| /w ( -- u ) gforth-0.7 | Address arithmetic |
| /x ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
\ |
| \ ( compilation 'ccc<newline>' -- ; run-time -- ) core-ext,block-ext | Comments |
| \( ( addr -- addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \) ( addr -- addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \\\ ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Forth source files |
| \^ ( addr -- addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \$ ( addr -- addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \0 ( -- addr u ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \c ( "rest-of-line" -- ) gforth-0.7 | Declaring C Functions |
| \d ( addr -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| \G ( compilation 'ccc<newline>' -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Comments |
| \s ( addr -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
# |
| # ( ud1 -- ud2 ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| #! ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Running Image Files |
| #> ( xd -- addr u ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| #>> ( -- ) gforth-0.5 | Formatted numeric output |
| #bell ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #bs ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #cr ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #del ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #eof ( -- c ) gforth-0.7 | String and character literals |
| #esc ( -- c ) gforth-0.5 | String and character literals |
| #ff ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #lf ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #line ( "u" "["file"]" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Interpreter Directives |
| #loc ( nline nchar "file" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| #locals ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| #s ( ud -- 0 0 ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| #tab ( -- c ) gforth-0.2 | String and character literals |
| #tib ( -- addr ) core-ext-obsolescent | The Text Interpreter |
% |
| %align ( align size -- ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| %alignment ( align size -- align ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| %alloc ( align size -- addr ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| %allocate ( align size -- addr ior ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| %allot ( align size -- addr ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| %size ( align size -- size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
` |
| ` ( "char" -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| `? ( "char" -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
+ |
| + ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Single precision |
| +! ( n a-addr -- ) core | Memory Access |
| +!@ ( u1 a-addr -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Hardware operations for multi-tasking |
| +} ( addr addr' -- addr' ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| ++} ( sys -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| +after ( x1 x2 stack -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| +char ( char -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| +chars ( addr u -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| +class ( class -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| +DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| +field ( noffset1 nsize "name" -- noffset2 ) facility-ext | Standard Structures |
| +fmode ( fam1 rwxrwxrwx -- fam2 ) gforth-1.0 | General files |
| +load ( i*x n -- j*x ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| +LOOP ( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 n -- | loop-sys2 ) core | Counted Loops |
| +ltrace ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| +thru ( i*x n1 n2 -- j*x ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| +TO ( value "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Values |
| +x/string ( xc-addr1 u1 -- xc-addr2 u2 ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
< |
| < ( n1 n2 -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| <{: ( -- hmaddr u latest latestnt wid 0 ) gforth-experimental | Closures |
| <# ( -- ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| << ( run-addr addr u -- run-addr ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| <<" ( "string<">" -- ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| <<# ( -- ) gforth-0.5 | Formatted numeric output |
| <= ( n1 n2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| <> ( n1 n2 -- f ) core-ext | Numeric comparison |
| <bind> ( class selector-xt -- xt ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| <to-inst> ( w xt -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
= |
| = ( n1 n2 -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| =" ( <string>" -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| =mkdir ( c-addr u wmode -- wior ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
> |
| > ( n1 n2 -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| >= ( n1 n2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| >> ( addr -- addr ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| >addr ( xt-varue -- addr ) gforth-experimental | Varues |
| >addr ( xt-varue -- addr ) gforth-experimental | Closures |
| >animate ( rdelta addr xt -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| >back ( x stack -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| >body ( xt -- a_addr ) core | CREATE..DOES> details |
| >code-address ( xt -- c_addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| >definer ( xt -- definer ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| >does-code ( xt1 -- xt2 ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| >float ( c-addr u -- f:... flag ) floating | Line input and conversion |
| >float1 ( c-addr u c -- f:... flag ) gforth-1.0 | Line input and conversion |
| >in ( -- addr ) core | The Text Interpreter |
| >l ( w -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals implementation |
| >name ( xt -- nt|0 ) gforth-0.2 | Name token |
| >number ( ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 ) core | Line input and conversion |
| >o ( c-addr -- r:c-old ) new | Mini-OOF2 |
| >order ( wid -- ) gforth-0.5 | Word Lists |
| >pow2 ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| >r ( w -- R:w ) core | Return stack |
| >stack ( x stack -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| >string-execute ( ... xt -- ... c-addr u ) gforth-1.0 | String words |
| >time&date&tz ( udtime -- nsec nmin nhour nday nmonth nyear fdst ndstoff c-addrtz utz ) gforth-1.0 | Keeping track of Time |
| >to+addr-table: ( table-addr "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| >uvalue ( xt -- addr ) gforth-internal | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| |
| | ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| || ( addr addr -- addr addr ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
~ |
| ~~ ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Debugging |
| ~~1bt ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| ~~bt ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| ~~Value ( n "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| ~~Variable ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
$ |
| $! ( addr1 u $addr -- ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $!len ( u $addr -- ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $? ( -- n ) gforth-0.2 | Passing Commands to the OS |
| $. ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[] ( u $[]addr -- addr' ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]! ( c-addr u n $[]addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]. ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]@ ( n $[]addr -- addr u ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]# ( addr -- len ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]+! ( c-addr u n $[]addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]boot ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]free ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]map ( addr xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]save ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]saved ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]slurp ( fid addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]slurp-file ( addr u $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $[]Variable ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $@ ( $addr -- addr2 u ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $@len ( $addr -- u ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $+! ( addr1 u $addr -- ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $+!len ( u $addr -- addr ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $+[]! ( c-addr u $[]addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $+slurp ( fid addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $+slurp-file ( c-addr u addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $boot ( $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $del ( addr off u -- ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $exec ( xt addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $free ( $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $init ( $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $ins ( addr1 u $addr off -- ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $iter ( .. $addr char xt -- .. ) gforth-0.7 | $tring words |
| $over ( addr u $addr off -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $save ( $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $saved ( addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $slurp ( fid addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $slurp-file ( c-addr u addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $split ( c-addr u char -- c-addr u1 c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| $substitute ( addr1 len1 -- addr2 len2 n/ior ) gforth-experimental | Substitute |
| $tmp ( xt -- addr u ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| $unescape ( addr1 u1 -- addr2 u2 ) gforth-experimental | Substitute |
| $value: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| $value[]: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| $Variable ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
0 |
| 0< ( n -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| 0<= ( n -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| 0<> ( n -- f ) core-ext | Numeric comparison |
| 0= ( n -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| 0> ( n -- f ) core-ext | Numeric comparison |
| 0>= ( n -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
1 |
| 1- ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Single precision |
| 1/f ( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| 1+ ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Single precision |
2 |
| 2, ( w1 w2 -- ) gforth-0.2 | Dictionary allocation |
| 2! ( w1 w2 a-addr -- ) core | Memory Access |
| 2@ ( a-addr -- w1 w2 ) core | Memory Access |
| 2* ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Bitwise operations |
| 2/ ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Bitwise operations |
| 2>r ( w1 w2 -- R:w1 R:w2 ) core-ext | Return stack |
| 2compile, ( xt1 xt2 -- ) gforth-experimental | Macros |
| 2Constant ( w1 w2 "name" -- ) double | Constants |
| 2drop ( w1 w2 -- ) core | Data stack |
| 2dup ( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 w2 ) core | Data stack |
| 2field: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-0.7 | Standard Structures |
| 2Literal ( compilation w1 w2 -- ; run-time -- w1 w2 ) double | Literals |
| 2nip ( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 ) gforth-0.2 | Data stack |
| 2over ( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core | Data stack |
| 2r@ ( R:w1 R:w2 -- R:w1 R:w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext | Return stack |
| 2r> ( R:w1 R:w2 -- w1 w2 ) core-ext | Return stack |
| 2rdrop ( R:w1 R:w2 -- ) gforth-0.2 | Return stack |
| 2rot ( w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 -- w3 w4 w5 w6 w1 w2 ) double-ext | Data stack |
| 2swap ( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2 ) core | Data stack |
| 2tuck ( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 ) gforth-0.2 | Data stack |
| 2Value ( d "name" -- ) double-ext | Values |
| 2value: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| 2Variable ( "name" -- ) double | Variables |
| 2varue ( x1 x2 "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Varues |
A |
| A, ( addr -- ) gforth-0.2 | Dictionary allocation |
| abi-code ( "name" -- colon-sys ) gforth-1.0 | Assembler Definitions |
| abort ( ?? -- ?? ) core,exception-ext | Exception Handling |
| ABORT" ( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time f -- ) core,exception-ext | Exception Handling |
| abs ( n -- u ) core | Single precision |
| absolute-file? ( addr u -- flag ) gforth-1.0 | Search Paths |
| accept ( c-addr +n1 -- +n2 ) core | Line input and conversion |
| AConstant ( addr "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Constants |
| act ( -- optr ) minos2 | widget methods |
| act-name$ ( -- addr u ) minos2 | actor methods |
| action-of ( interpretation "name" -- xt; compilation "name" -- ; run-time -- xt ) core-ext | Deferred Words |
| activate ( run-time nest-sys1 task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| active-w ( -- optr ) minos2 | actor methods |
| actor ( -- class ) minos2 | MINOS2 object framework |
| add-cflags ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| add-framework ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| add-incdir ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| add-ldflags ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| add-lib ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| add-libpath ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| addr ( "name" -- addr ) gforth-1.0 | Varues |
| ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| adjust-buffer ( u addr -- ) gforth-experimental | Growable memory buffers |
| after-locate ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| AGAIN ( compilation dest -- ; run-time -- ) core-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| AHEAD ( compilation -- orig ; run-time -- ) tools-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| Alias ( xt "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Aliases |
| align ( -- ) core | Dictionary allocation |
| aligned ( c-addr -- a-addr ) core | Address arithmetic |
| ALiteral ( compilation addr -- ; run-time -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Literals |
| allocate ( u -- a_addr wior ) memory | Heap Allocation |
| allot ( n -- ) core | Dictionary allocation |
| also ( -- ) search-ext | Word Lists |
| also-path ( c-addr len path-addr -- ) gforth-0.4 | General Search Paths |
| and ( w1 w2 -- w ) core | Bitwise operations |
| annotate-cov ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| append ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| arg ( u -- addr count ) gforth-0.2 | OS command line arguments |
| argc ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | OS command line arguments |
| argv ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | OS command line arguments |
| array>mem ( uelements uelemsize -- ubytes uelemsize ) gforth-experimental | Counted Loops |
| arshift ( n1 u -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| asptr ( class -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| assembler ( -- ) tools-ext | Assembler Definitions |
| assert-level ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| assert( ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| assert0( ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| assert1( ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| assert2( ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| assert3( ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assertions |
| ASSUME-LIVE ( orig -- orig ) gforth-0.2 | Where are locals visible by name? |
| at-deltaxy ( dx dy -- ) gforth-0.7 | Terminal output |
| at-xy ( x y -- ) facility | Terminal output |
| AUser ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Task-local data |
| authors ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Help on Gforth |
| AValue ( w "name" -- ) gforth-0.6 | Values |
| AVariable ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Variables |
B |
| b ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| back> ( stack -- x ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| barrier ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Hardware operations for multi-tasking |
| base ( -- a-addr ) core | Number Conversion |
| base-execute ( i*x xt u -- j*x ) gforth-0.7 | Number Conversion |
| baseline ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| basename ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
| before-line ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Text Interpreter Hooks |
| before-locate ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| before-word ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Text Interpreter Hooks |
| BEGIN ( compilation -- dest ; run-time -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| begin-structure ( "name" -- struct-sys 0 ) facility-ext | Standard Structures |
| bin ( fam1 -- fam2 ) file | General files |
| bind ( ... "class" "selector" -- ... ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| bind' ( "class" "selector" -- xt ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| bl ( -- c-char ) core | String and character literals |
| blank ( c-addr u -- ) string | Memory Blocks |
| blk ( -- addr ) block | Input Sources |
| block ( u -- a-addr ) block | Blocks |
| block-included ( a-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| block-offset ( -- addr ) gforth-0.5 | Blocks |
| block-position ( u -- ) block | Blocks |
| bootmessage ( -- ) gforth-0.4 | Modifying the Startup Sequence |
| border ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| borderl ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| bordert ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| borderv ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| bounds ( u1 u2 -- u3 u1 ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| break: ( -- ) gforth-0.4 | Singlestep Debugger |
| break" ( 'ccc"' -- ) gforth-0.4 | Singlestep Debugger |
| broken-pipe-error ( -- n ) gforth-0.6 | Pipes |
| browse ( "subname" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| bt ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating exception source |
| buffer ( u -- a-addr ) block | Blocks |
| buffer: ( u "name" -- ) core-ext | Variables |
| buffer% ( u1 u2 -- ) gforth-experimental | Growable memory buffers |
| bw ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| bw-cover ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Code Coverage |
| bye ( -- ) tools-ext | Leaving Gforth |
C |
| c-callback ( "forth-name" "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Callbacks |
| c-callback-thread ( "forth-name" "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Callbacks |
| c-function ( "forth-name" "c-name" "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-0.7 | Declaring C Functions |
| c-funptr ( "forth-name" <{>"c-typecast"<}> "{type}" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Calling C function pointers |
| c-library ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.7 | Defining library interfaces |
| c-library-name ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.7 | Defining library interfaces |
| c-value ( "forth-name" "c-name" "---" "type" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring C Functions |
| c-variable ( "forth-name" "c-name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Declaring C Functions |
| c, ( c -- ) core | Dictionary allocation |
| C: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time c -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| c! ( c c-addr -- ) core | Memory Access |
| c? ( addr class -- ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| C" ( compilation "ccc<quote>" -- ; run-time -- c-addr ) core-ext | Counted string words |
| c@ ( c-addr -- c ) core | Memory Access |
| C^ ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time c -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| c++-library ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Defining library interfaces |
| c++-library-name ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Defining library interfaces |
| c>s ( x -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| c$+! ( char $addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | $tring words |
| CA: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time c -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| call-c ( ... w -- ... ) gforth-0.2 | Low-Level C Interface Words |
| caller-w ( -- optr ) minos2 | actor methods |
| capscompare ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| capssearch ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag ) gforth-1.0 | String words |
| capsstring-prefix? ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-1.0 | String words |
| case ( compilation -- case-sys ; run-time -- ) core-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| catch ( x1 .. xn xt -- y1 .. ym 0 / z1 .. zn error ) exception | Exception Handling |
| catch-nobt ( x1 .. xn xt -- y1 .. ym 0 / z1 .. zn error ) gforth-experimental | Exception Handling |
| cell ( -- u ) gforth-0.2 | Address arithmetic |
| cell- ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) core | Address arithmetic |
| cell/ ( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| cell% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| cell+ ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 ) core | Address arithmetic |
| cells ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Address arithmetic |
| cfield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) facility-ext | Standard Structures |
| char ( '<spaces>ccc' -- c ) core,xchar-ext | String and character literals |
| char- ( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 ) gforth-0.7 | Address arithmetic |
| char% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| char+ ( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 ) core | Address arithmetic |
| charclass ( -- ) regexp-cg | Regular Expressions |
| chars ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Address arithmetic |
| cilk-bye ( -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| cilk-init ( -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| cilk-sync ( -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| class ( class -- class methods vars ) mini-oof2 | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| class ( parent-class -- align offset ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| class->map ( class -- map ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| class-inst-size ( class -- addr ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| class-override! ( xt sel-xt class-map -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| class-previous ( class -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| class; ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| class>order ( class -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| clear-libs ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Declaring OS-level libraries |
| clear-path ( path-addr -- ) gforth-0.5 | General Search Paths |
| clearstack ( ... -- ) gforth-0.2 | Examining data |
| clearstacks ( ... -- ) gforth-0.7 | Examining data |
| clicked ( rx ry bmask n -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| close-dir ( wdirid -- wior ) gforth-0.5 | Directories |
| close-file ( wfileid -- wior ) file | General files |
| close-pipe ( wfileid -- wretval wior ) gforth-0.2 | Pipes |
| cmove ( c-from c-to u -- ) string | Memory Blocks |
| cmove> ( c-from c-to u -- ) string | Memory Blocks |
| code ( "name" -- colon-sys ) tools-ext | Assembler Definitions |
| code-address! ( c_addr xt -- ) gforth-obsolete | Threading Words |
| color-cover ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Code Coverage |
| color: ( rgba "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| common-list ( list1 list2 -- list3 ) gforth-internal | Locals implementation |
| COMP' ( "name" -- w xt ) gforth-0.2 | Compilation token |
| compare ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- n ) string | String words |
| compile-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| compile-lp+! ( n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals implementation |
| compile-only ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpretation and Compilation Semantics |
| compile-only? ( nt -- flag ) gforth-1.0 | Header fields |
| compile, ( xt -- ) core-ext | Macros |
| compiling ( translator -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| compsem: ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Combined words |
| const-does> ( run-time: w*uw r*ur uw ur "name" -- ) gforth-obsolete | Const-does> |
| Constant ( w "name" -- ) core | Constants |
| construct ( ... object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| context ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| contof ( compilation case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 ; run-time -- ) gforth-1.0 | Arbitrary control structures |
| convert ( ud1 c-addr1 -- ud2 c-addr2 ) core-ext-obsolescent | Line input and conversion |
| CORE ( -- f ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| CORE-EXT ( -- f ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| cores ( -- u ) cilk | Cilk |
| count ( c-addr1 -- c-addr2 u ) core | Counted string words |
| Country ( <lang> "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| cov% ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| cov+ ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| cover-filename ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| coverage? ( -- f ) gforth-internal | Code Coverage |
| cputime ( -- duser dsystem ) gforth-0.5 | Keeping track of Time |
| cr ( -- ) core | Miscellaneous output |
| Create ( "name" -- ) core | CREATE |
| create-file ( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) file | General files |
| create-from ( nt "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Creating from a prototype |
| critical-section ( xt semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental | Semaphores |
| CS-DROP ( dest -- ) gforth-1.0 | Arbitrary control structures |
| CS-PICK ( orig0/dest0 orig1/dest1 ... origu/destu u -- ... orig0/dest0 ) tools-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| CS-ROLL ( destu/origu .. dest0/orig0 u -- .. dest0/orig0 destu/origu ) tools-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| cs-vocabulary ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Word Lists |
| cs-wordlist ( -- wid ) gforth-1.0 | Word Lists |
| cstring>sstring ( c-addr -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.2 | String words |
| csv-quote ( -- c ) gforth-experimental | CSV reading and writing |
| csv-separator ( -- c ) gforth-experimental | CSV reading and writing |
| ctz ( x -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| current ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| current-interface ( -- addr ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| current' ( "selector" -- xt ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| cvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
D |
| d ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| d- ( d1 d2 -- d ) double | Double precision |
| D: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x1 x2 -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| d. ( d -- ) double | Simple numeric output |
| d.r ( d n -- ) double | Simple numeric output |
| D^ ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x1 x2 -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| d+ ( ud1 ud2 -- ud ) double | Double precision |
| d< ( d1 d2 -- f ) double | Numeric comparison |
| d<= ( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d<> ( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d= ( d1 d2 -- f ) double | Numeric comparison |
| d> ( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d>= ( d1 d2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d>f ( d -- r ) floating | Floating Point |
| d>s ( d -- n ) double | Double precision |
| d0< ( d -- f ) double | Numeric comparison |
| d0<= ( d -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d0<> ( d -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d0= ( d -- f ) double | Numeric comparison |
| d0> ( d -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d0>= ( d -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| d2* ( d1 -- d2 ) double | Bitwise operations |
| d2/ ( d1 -- d2 ) double | Bitwise operations |
| DA: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x1 x2 -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| dabs ( d -- ud ) double | Double precision |
| dark-mode ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| darshift ( d1 u -- d2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| dbg ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Singlestep Debugger |
| debug-fid ( -- file-id ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| dec. ( n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Simple numeric output |
| dec.r ( u n -- ) gforth-0.5 | Simple numeric output |
| decimal ( -- ) core | Number Conversion |
| default-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| default-w: ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Gforth locals |
| default-wa: ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Gforth locals |
| defer ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| Defer ( "name" -- ) core-ext | Deferred Words |
| defer: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| defer! ( xt xt-deferred -- ) core-ext | Deferred Words |
| defer@ ( xt-deferred -- xt ) core-ext | Deferred Words |
| defers ( compilation "name" -- ; run-time ... -- ... ) gforth-0.2 | Deferred Words |
| definer! ( definer xt -- ) gforth-obsolete | Threading Words |
| defines ( xt class "name" -- ) mini-oof | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| definitions ( -- ) search | Word Lists |
| defocus ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| delete ( c-addr u u1 -- ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| delete-file ( c-addr u -- wior ) file | General files |
| delta-i ( r:ulimit r:u -- r:ulimit r:u u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Counted Loops |
| depth ( -- +n ) core | Examining data |
| df! ( r df-addr -- ) floating-ext | Memory Access |
| df@ ( df-addr -- r ) floating-ext | Memory Access |
| dfalign ( -- ) floating-ext | Dictionary allocation |
| dfaligned ( c-addr -- df-addr ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| dffield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) floating-ext | Standard Structures |
| dfloat/ ( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| dfloat% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| dfloat+ ( df-addr1 -- df-addr2 ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| dfloats ( n1 -- n2 ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| dfvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| dglue ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| dglue@ ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| dict-new ( ... class -- object ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| dirname ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr1 u2 ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
| discode ( addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Common Disassembler |
| dispose-widget ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| dlshift ( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| dmax ( d1 d2 -- d ) double | Double precision |
| dmin ( d1 d2 -- d ) double | Double precision |
| dnegate ( d1 -- d2 ) double | Double precision |
| DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time w1 w2 -- loop-sys ) core | Counted Loops |
| doabicode: ( -- addr ) gforth-1.0 | Threading Words |
| docol: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| docon: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| dodefer: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| dodoes: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.6 | Threading Words |
| does-code! ( xt2 xt1 -- ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| DOES> ( compilation colon-sys1 -- colon-sys2 ) core | CREATE..DOES> details |
| dofield: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| DONE ( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| double% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| douser: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| dovalue: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.7 | Threading Words |
| dovar: ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| dpl ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Number Conversion |
| draw ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| draw-init ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| drol ( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| drop ( w -- ) core | Data stack |
| dror ( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| drshift ( ud1 u -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| du/mod ( d u -- n u1 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| du< ( ud1 ud2 -- f ) double-ext | Numeric comparison |
| du<= ( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| du> ( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| du>= ( ud1 ud2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| dump ( addr u -- ) tools | Examining data |
| dup ( w -- w w ) core | Data stack |
E |
| early ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| edit ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| edit-line ( c-addr n1 n2 -- n3 ) gforth-0.6 | Line input and conversion |
| ekey ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| ekey? ( -- flag ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| ekey>char ( u -- u false | c true ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| ekey>fkey ( u1 -- u2 f ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| ekey>xchar ( u -- u false | xc true ) xchar-ext | Single-key input |
| ekeyed ( ekey -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| ELSE ( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| emit ( c -- ) core | Displaying characters and strings |
| emit-file ( c wfileid -- wior ) gforth-0.2 | General files |
| empty-buffer ( buffer -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| empty-buffers ( -- ) block-ext | Blocks |
| end-c-library ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Defining library interfaces |
| end-class ( align offset "name" -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| end-class ( class methods vars "name" -- ) mini-oof2 | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| end-class-noname ( align offset -- class ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| end-code ( colon-sys -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assembler Definitions |
| end-interface ( "name" -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| end-interface-noname ( -- interface ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| end-methods ( -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| end-struct ( align size "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Gforth structs |
| end-structure ( struct-sys +n -- ) facility-ext | Standard Structures |
| endcase ( compilation case-sys -- ; run-time x -- ) core-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| ENDIF ( compilation orig -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Arbitrary control structures |
| endof ( compilation case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 ; run-time -- ) core-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| endscope ( compilation scope -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Where are locals visible by name? |
| endtry ( compilation -- ; run-time R:sys1 -- ) gforth-0.5 | Exception Handling |
| endtry-iferror ( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time R:sys1 -- ) gforth-0.7 | Exception Handling |
| entered ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| environment ( -- ) gforth-0.6 | Environmental Queries |
| environment-wordlist ( -- wid ) gforth-0.2 | Environmental Queries |
| environment? ( c-addr u -- false / ... true ) core | Environmental Queries |
| erase ( addr u -- ) core-ext | Memory Blocks |
| error-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| error-hl-inv ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| error-hl-ul ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| evaluate ( ... addr u -- ... ) core,block | Input Sources |
| event-loop ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Message queues |
| exception ( addr u -- n ) gforth-0.2 | Exception Handling |
| exceptions ( xt n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Exception Handling |
| execute ( xt -- ) core | Execution token |
| execute-exit ( compilation -- ; run-time xt nest-sys -- ) gforth-1.0 | Execution token |
| execute-parsing ( ... addr u xt -- ... ) gforth-0.6 | The Input Stream |
| execute-parsing-file ( i*x fileid xt -- j*x ) gforth-0.6 | The Input Stream |
| execute-task ( xt -- task ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| EXIT ( compilation -- ; run-time nest-sys -- ) core | Calls and returns |
| exitm ( -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| expand-where ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| expect ( c-addr +n -- ) core-ext-obsolescent | Line input and conversion |
| extend-mem ( addr1 u1 u -- addr addr2 u2 ) gforth-experimental | Memory blocks and heap allocation |
| extend-structure ( n "name" -- struct-sys n ) gforth-1.0 | Structure Extension |
| extra-section ( usize "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Sections |
F |
| f- ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| f-rot ( r1 r2 r3 -- r3 r1 r2 ) floating | Floating point stack |
| f, ( f -- ) gforth-0.2 | Dictionary allocation |
| F: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time r -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| f! ( r f-addr -- ) floating | Memory Access |
| f. ( r -- ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| f.rdp ( rf +nr +nd +np -- ) gforth-0.6 | Floating-point output |
| f.s ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Examining data |
| f.s-precision ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Examining data |
| f@ ( f-addr -- r ) floating | Memory Access |
| f@localn ( noffset -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Locals implementation |
| f* ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| f** ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| f/ ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| F^ ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time r -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| f+ ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| f< ( r1 r2 -- f ) floating | Floating Point |
| f<= ( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f<> ( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f= ( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f> ( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f>= ( r1 r2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f>buf-rdp ( rf c-addr +nr +nd +np -- ) gforth-0.6 | Floating-point output |
| f>d ( r -- d ) floating | Floating Point |
| f>l ( r -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals implementation |
| f>s ( r -- n ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| f>str-rdp ( rf +nr +nd +np -- c-addr nr ) gforth-0.6 | Floating-point output |
| f~ ( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| f~abs ( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) gforth-0.5 | Floating Point |
| f~rel ( r1 r2 r3 -- flag ) gforth-0.5 | Floating Point |
| f0< ( r -- f ) floating | Floating Point |
| f0<= ( r -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f0<> ( r -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f0= ( r -- f ) floating | Floating Point |
| f0> ( r -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f0>= ( r -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f2* ( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| f2/ ( r1 -- r2 ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| FA: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time f -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| fabs ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| facos ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| facosh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fade-color: ( rgba1 rgba2 "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| falign ( -- ) floating | Dictionary allocation |
| faligned ( c-addr -- f-addr ) floating | Address arithmetic |
| falog ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| false ( -- f ) core-ext | Boolean Flags |
| fasin ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fasinh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fast-throw ( ... wball -- ... wball ) gforth-experimental | Exception Handling |
| fatan ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fatan2 ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fatanh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| faxpy ( ra f-x nstridex f-y nstridey ucount -- ) gforth-0.5 | Floating Point |
| fclearstack ( r0 .. rn -- ) gforth-1.0 | Examining data |
| fconstant ( r "name" -- ) floating | Constants |
| fcopysign ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| fcos ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fcosh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fdepth ( -- +n ) floating | Examining data |
| fdrop ( r -- ) floating | Floating point stack |
| fdup ( r -- r r ) floating | Floating point stack |
| fe. ( r -- ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| fexp ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fexpm1 ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| ffield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) floating-ext | Standard Structures |
| ffourth ( r1 r2 r3 r4 -- r1 r2 r3 r4 r1 ) gforth-1.0 | Floating point stack |
| field ( align1 offset1 align size "name" -- align2 offset2 ) gforth-0.2 | Gforth structs |
| field: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) facility-ext | Standard Structures |
| file-eof? ( wfileid -- flag ) gforth-0.6 | General files |
| file-position ( wfileid -- ud wior ) file | General files |
| file-size ( wfileid -- ud wior ) file | General files |
| file-status ( c-addr u -- wfam wior ) file-ext | General files |
| file>fpath ( addr1 u1 -- addr2 u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Source Search Paths |
| file>path ( c-addr1 u1 path-addr -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-1.0 | General Search Paths |
| filename-match ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- flag ) gforth-0.5 | Directories |
| fill ( c-addr u c -- ) core | Memory Blocks |
| find ( c-addr -- xt +-1 | c-addr 0 ) core,search | Word Lists |
| find-name ( c-addr u -- nt | 0 ) gforth-0.2 | Name token |
| find-name-in ( c-addr u wid -- nt | 0 ) gforth-1.0 | Name token |
| fkey. ( u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| FLiteral ( compilation r -- ; run-time -- r ) floating | Literals |
| fln ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| flnp1 ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| float ( -- u ) gforth-0.3 | Address arithmetic |
| float/ ( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| float% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| float+ ( f-addr1 -- f-addr2 ) floating | Address arithmetic |
| floating-stack ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| floats ( n1 -- n2 ) floating | Address arithmetic |
| flog ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| floor ( r1 -- r2 ) floating | Floating Point |
| FLOORED ( -- f ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| flush ( -- ) block | Blocks |
| flush-file ( wfileid -- wior ) file-ext | General files |
| flush-icache ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assembler Definitions |
| fm/mod ( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 ) core | Integer division |
| fmax ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| fmin ( r1 r2 -- r3 ) floating | Floating Point |
| fnegate ( r1 -- r2 ) floating | Floating Point |
| fnip ( r1 r2 -- r2 ) gforth-0.2 | Floating point stack |
| focus ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| FOR ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u -- loop-sys ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| FORK ( compilation -- orig ; run-time f -- ) gforth-0.7 | Regular Expressions |
| form ( -- nlines ncols ) gforth-0.2 | Terminal output |
| Forth ( -- ) search-ext | Word Lists |
| forth-recognize ( c-addr u -- ... translate-xt ) recognizer | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| forth-recognizer ( -- xt ) gforth-obsolete | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| forth-wordlist ( -- wid ) search | Word Lists |
| forward ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Forward |
| fourth ( w1 w2 w3 w4 -- w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 ) gforth-1.0 | Data stack |
| fover ( r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 ) floating | Floating point stack |
| fp! ( f-addr -- f:... ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| fp. ( r -- ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| fp@ ( f:... -- f-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| fp0 ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| fpath ( -- path-addr ) gforth-0.4 | Source Search Paths |
| fpick ( f:... u -- f:... r ) gforth-0.4 | Floating point stack |
| free ( a_addr -- wior ) memory | Heap Allocation |
| free-closure ( xt -- ) gforth-internal | Closures |
| free-mem-var ( addr -- ) gforth-experimental | Memory blocks and heap allocation |
| frot ( r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1 ) floating | Floating point stack |
| fround ( r1 -- r2 ) floating | Floating Point |
| fs. ( r -- ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| fsin ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fsincos ( r1 -- r2 r3 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fsinh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fsqrt ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fswap ( r1 r2 -- r2 r1 ) floating | Floating point stack |
| ftan ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| ftanh ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| fthird ( r1 r2 r3 -- r1 r2 r3 r1 ) gforth-1.0 | Floating point stack |
| ftrunc ( r1 -- r2 ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| ftuck ( r1 r2 -- r2 r1 r2 ) gforth-0.2 | Floating point stack |
| fvalue ( r "name" -- ) floating-ext | Values |
| fvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| fvariable ( "name" -- ) floating | Variables |
| fvarue ( r "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Varues |
G |
| g ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Locating source code definitions |
| gap ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| get ( -- something ) minos2 | actor methods |
| get-block-fid ( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| get-current ( -- wid ) search | Word Lists |
| get-dir ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
| get-order ( -- widn .. wid1 n ) search | Word Lists |
| get-recognizers ( -- xt1 .. xtn n ) gforth-obsolete | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| get-stack ( stack -- x1 .. xn n ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| get-state ( -- xt ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| getenv ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.2 | Passing Commands to the OS |
| gforth ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-environment | Environmental Queries |
| gg ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
H |
| h ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| h. ( u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Simple numeric output |
| halt ( task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| heap-new ( ... class -- object ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| help ( "rest-of-line" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Help on Gforth |
| here ( -- addr ) core | Dictionary allocation |
| hex ( -- ) core-ext | Number Conversion |
| hex. ( u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Simple numeric output |
| hglue ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| hglue@ ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| hide ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| hold ( char -- ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| holds ( addr u -- ) core-ext | Formatted numeric output |
| how: ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
I |
| i ( R:n -- R:n n ) core | Counted Loops |
| i' ( R:w R:w2 -- R:w R:w2 w ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| id. ( nt -- ) gforth-0.6 | Name token |
| IF ( compilation -- orig ; run-time f -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| iferror ( compilation orig1 -- orig2 ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.7 | Exception Handling |
| immediate ( -- ) core | Interpretation and Compilation Semantics |
| immediate? ( nt -- flag ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| implementation ( interface -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| in ( "voc" "defining-word" -- ) gforth-experimental | Word Lists |
| in-colon-def? ( -- flag ) gforth-experimental | Macros |
| in-wordlist ( wordlist "defining-word" -- ) gforth-experimental | Word Lists |
| include ( ... "file" -- ... ) file-ext | Forth source files |
| include-file ( i*x wfileid -- j*x ) file | Forth source files |
| include-locale ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| included ( i*x c-addr u -- j*x ) file | Forth source files |
| included-locale ( addr u -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| included? ( c-addr u -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Forth source files |
| inf ( -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| infile-execute ( ... xt file-id -- ... ) gforth-0.7 | Redirection |
| infile-id ( -- file-id ) gforth-0.4 | Redirection |
| infinity ( -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| info-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| init-asm ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Assembler Definitions |
| init-buffer ( addr -- ) gforth-experimental | Growable memory buffers |
| init-object ( ... class object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| initiate ( xt task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| inline: ( "name" -- inline:-sys ) gforth-experimental | Colon Definitions |
| input-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| insert ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| inst-value ( align1 offset1 "name" -- align2 offset2 ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| inst-var ( align1 offset1 align size "name" -- align2 offset2 ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| INT-[I] ( -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Interpreter Directives |
| interface ( -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| interpret ( ... -- ... ) gforth-0.2 | The Text Interpreter |
| interpret/compile: ( interp-xt comp-xt "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Combined words |
| interpreting ( translator -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| intsem: ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Combined words |
| invert ( w1 -- w2 ) core | Bitwise operations |
| IS ( value "name" -- ) core-ext | Deferred Words |
J |
| j ( R:n R:w1 R:w2 -- n R:n R:w1 R:w2 ) core | Counted Loops |
| JOIN ( orig -- ) gforth-0.7 | Regular Expressions |
K |
| k ( R:n R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 -- n R:n R:w1 R:w2 R:w3 R:w4 ) gforth-0.3 | Counted Loops |
| k-alt-mask ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-backspace ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-ctrl-mask ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-delete ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-down ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-end ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-enter ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-eof ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-f1 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f10 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f11 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f12 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f2 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f3 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f4 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f5 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f6 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f7 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f8 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-f9 ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-home ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-insert ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-left ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-mute ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-next ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-pause ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-prior ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-right ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-sel ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-shift-mask ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-tab ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-up ( -- u ) facility-ext | Single-key input |
| k-voldown ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-volup ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| k-winch ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| kerning ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| key ( -- char ) core | Single-key input |
| key-file ( fd -- key ) gforth-0.4 | General files |
| key-ior ( -- char|ior ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| key? ( -- flag ) facility | Single-key input |
| key?-file ( wfileid -- f ) gforth-0.4 | General files |
| kill ( task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| kill-task ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
L |
| l ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| l, ( l -- ) gforth-1.0 | Dictionary allocation |
| l! ( w c-addr -- ) gforth-0.7 | Special Memory Accesses |
| L" ( "lsid<">" -- lsid ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| l@ ( c-addr -- u ) gforth-0.7 | Special Memory Accesses |
| l>s ( x -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| lalign ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| laligned ( addr -- addr' ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| Language ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| lastfit ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| latest ( -- nt ) gforth-0.6 | Name token |
| latestnt ( -- nt ) gforth-1.0 | Name token |
| latestxt ( -- xt ) gforth-0.6 | Anonymous Definitions |
| lbe ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| LEAVE ( compilation -- ; run-time loop-sys -- ) core | Counted Loops |
| left ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| lfield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Standard Structures |
| lib-error ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.7 | Low-Level C Interface Words |
| lib-sym ( c-addr1 u1 u2 -- u3 ) gforth-0.4 | Low-Level C Interface Words |
| license ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Help on Gforth |
| light-mode ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| line-end-hook ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Text Interpreter Hooks |
| list ( u -- ) block-ext | Blocks |
| list-size ( list -- u ) gforth-internal | Locals implementation |
| Literal ( compilation n -- ; run-time -- n ) core | Literals |
| ll ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| lle ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| load ( i*x u -- j*x ) block | Blocks |
| load-cov ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| locale-csv ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| locale-csv-out ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| locale-file ( fid -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| locale! ( addr u lsid -- ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| locale@ ( lsid -- addr u ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| locate ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| lock ( semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental | Semaphores |
| log2 ( u -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| LOOP ( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2 ) core | Counted Loops |
| lp! ( c-addr -- ) gforth-internal | Stack pointer manipulation |
| lp! ( c-addr -- ) gforth-internal | Locals implementation |
| lp@ ( -- c-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| lp+! ( noffset -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals implementation |
| lp0 ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| lrol ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| lror ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| lshift ( u1 u -- u2 ) core | Bitwise operations |
| LU" ( "lsid<">" -- lsid ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| lvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
M |
| m: ( -- xt colon-sys; run-time: object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| m* ( n1 n2 -- d ) core | Mixed precision |
| m*/ ( d1 n2 u3 -- dquot ) double | Integer division |
| m+ ( d1 n -- d2 ) double | Mixed precision |
| macros-wordlist ( -- wid ) gforth-experimental | Substitute |
| magenta-input ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| make-latest ( nt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Making a word current |
| map-vocs ( ... xt -- ... ) gforth-1.0 | Word Lists |
| marker ( "<spaces> name" -- ) core-ext | Forgetting words |
| max ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Single precision |
| MAX-CHAR ( -- u ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| MAX-D ( -- d ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| max-float ( -- r ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| MAX-N ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| MAX-U ( -- u ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| MAX-UD ( -- ud ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| MAX-XCHAR ( -- xchar ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| maxalign ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Dictionary allocation |
| maxaligned ( addr1 -- addr2 ) gforth-0.2 | Address arithmetic |
| maxdepth-.s ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Examining data |
| mem-do ( compilation -- w xt do-sys; run-time addr ubytes +nstride -- ) gforth-experimental | Counted Loops |
| mem, ( addr u -- ) gforth-0.6 | Dictionary allocation |
| mem+do ( compilation -- w xt do-sys; run-time addr ubytes +nstride -- ) gforth-experimental | Counted Loops |
| method ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| method ( m v "name" -- m' v ) mini-oof2 | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| method ( xt "name" -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| methods ( class -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| min ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Single precision |
| mkdir-parents ( c-addr u mode -- ior ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
| mod ( n1 n2 -- n ) core | Integer division |
| modf ( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| modf-stage2m ( n1 a-reci -- umodulus ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| mods ( n1 n2 -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| move ( c-from c-to ucount -- ) core | Memory Blocks |
| ms ( n -- ) facility-ext | Keeping track of Time |
| mux ( u1 u2 u3 -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| mwords ( ["pattern"] -- ) gforth-1.0 | Word Lists |
N |
| n ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| n/a ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| n>r ( x1 .. xn n -- R:xn..R:x1 R:n ) tools-ext | Return stack |
| name ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-obsolete | The Input Stream |
| name>compile ( nt -- w xt ) tools-ext | Name token |
| name>interpret ( nt -- xt ) tools-ext | Name token |
| name>link ( nt1 -- nt2 / 0 ) gforth-1.0 | Name token |
| name>string ( nt -- addr u ) tools-ext | Name token |
| name$ ( -- addr u ) minos2 | widget methods |
| NaN ( -- r ) gforth-1.0 | Floating Point |
| native@ ( lsid -- addr u ) gforth-experimental | i18n and l10n |
| needs ( ... "name" -- ... ) gforth-0.2 | Forth source files |
| negate ( n1 -- n2 ) core | Single precision |
| new ( class -- o ) mini-oof | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| new-color: ( rgba "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| newline ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.5 | String and character literals |
| newtask ( stacksize -- task ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| newtask4 ( u-data u-return u-fp u-locals -- task ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| NEXT ( compilation do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2 ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| next-arg ( -- addr u ) gforth-0.7 | OS command line arguments |
| next-case ( compilation case-sys -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-1.0 | Arbitrary control structures |
| next-section ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Sections |
| nextname ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Supplying names |
| nip ( w1 w2 -- w2 ) core-ext | Data stack |
| nocov[ ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Code Coverage |
| noname ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Anonymous Definitions |
| noname-from ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Creating from a prototype |
| noop ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Execution token |
| nosplit? ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 -- addr1 u1 addr2 u2 flag ) gforth-experimental | String words |
| nothrow ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | Exception Handling |
| nr> ( R:xn..R:x1 R:n -- x1 .. xn n ) tools-ext | Return stack |
| ns ( d -- ) gforth-1.0 | Keeping track of Time |
| nt ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating exception source |
| ntime ( -- dtime ) gforth-1.0 | Keeping track of Time |
| nw ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
O |
| o> ( r:c-addr -- ) new | Mini-OOF2 |
| object ( -- a-addr ) mini-oof | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| object ( -- class ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| object-: ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-:: ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-' ( "name" -- xt ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-[] ( n "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-asptr ( o "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-bind ( o "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-bound ( class addr "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-class ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-class? ( o -- flag ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-definitions ( -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-dispose ( -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-endwith ( -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-init ( ... -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-is ( xt "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-link ( "name" -- class addr ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-new ( -- o ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-new[] ( n -- o ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-postpone ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-ptr ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-self ( -- o ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-super ( "name" -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| object-with ( o -- ) oof | The OOF base class |
| obsolete? ( nt -- flag ) gforth-1.0 | Name token |
| of ( compilation -- of-sys ; run-time x1 x2 -- |x1 ) core-ext | Arbitrary control structures |
| off ( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.2 | Boolean Flags |
| on ( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.2 | Boolean Flags |
| once ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| Only ( -- ) search-ext | Word Lists |
| open-blocks ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| open-dir ( c-addr u -- wdirid wior ) gforth-0.5 | Directories |
| open-file ( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) file | General files |
| open-lib ( c-addr1 u1 -- u2 ) gforth-0.4 | Low-Level C Interface Words |
| open-path-file ( addr1 u1 path-addr -- wfileid addr2 u2 0 | ior ) gforth-0.2 | General Search Paths |
| open-pipe ( c-addr u wfam -- wfileid wior ) gforth-0.2 | Pipes |
| opt: ( compilation -- colon-sys2 ; run-time -- nest-sys ) gforth-1.0 | User-defined compile-comma |
| or ( w1 w2 -- w ) core | Bitwise operations |
| order ( -- ) search-ext | Word Lists |
| os-class ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-environment | Environmental Queries |
| os-type ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-environment | Environmental Queries |
| out ( -- addr ) gforth-1.0 | Miscellaneous output |
| outfile-execute ( ... xt file-id -- ... ) gforth-0.7 | Redirection |
| outfile-id ( -- file-id ) gforth-0.2 | Redirection |
| over ( w1 w2 -- w1 w2 w1 ) core | Data stack |
| overrides ( xt "selector" -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
P |
| pad ( -- c-addr ) core-ext | Memory Blocks |
| page ( -- ) facility | Terminal output |
| par-split ( rw -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| parent-w ( -- optr ) minos2 | widget methods |
| parse ( xchar "ccc<xchar>" -- c-addr u ) core-ext,xchar-ext | The Input Stream |
| parse-name ( "name" -- c-addr u ) core-ext | The Input Stream |
| parse-word ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-obsolete | The Input Stream |
| pass ( x1 .. xn n task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| path+ ( path-addr "dir" -- ) gforth-0.4 | General Search Paths |
| path= ( path-addr "dir1|dir2|dir3" -- ) gforth-0.4 | General Search Paths |
| pause ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| perform ( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.2 | Execution token |
| pi ( -- r ) gforth-0.2 | Floating Point |
| pick ( S:... u -- S:... w ) core-ext | Data stack |
| place ( c-addr1 u c-addr2 -- ) gforth-experimental | Counted string words |
| postpone ( "name" -- ) core | Macros |
| postpone, ( w xt -- ) gforth-0.2 | Compilation token |
| postponing ( translator -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| pow2? ( u -- f ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| precision ( -- u ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| prepend-where ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| preserve ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Deferred Words |
| previous ( -- ) search-ext | Word Lists |
| previous-section ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Sections |
| print ( object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| printdebugdata ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Debugging |
| process-option ( addr u -- ... xt | 0 ) gforth-0.7 | Modifying the Startup Sequence |
| protected ( -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| ptr ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| public ( -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
Q |
| query ( -- ) core-ext-obsolescent | Input Sources |
| quit ( ?? -- ?? ) core | Miscellaneous Words |
R |
| r'@ ( r:w r:w2 -- r:w r:w2 w ) gforth-1.0 | Return stack |
| r@ ( R:w -- R:w w ) core | Return stack |
| r/o ( -- fam ) file | General files |
| r/w ( -- fam ) file | General files |
| r> ( R:w -- w ) core | Return stack |
| raise ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| rdrop ( R:w -- ) gforth-0.2 | Return stack |
| re-color ( rgba "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| re-emoji-color ( rgbatext rgbaemoji "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| re-fade-color ( rgba1 rgba2 "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| re-text-color ( rgba "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| re-text-emoji-fade-color ( rgbatext1 ~2 rgbaemoji1 ~2 "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| read-csv ( addr u xt -- ) gforth-experimental | CSV reading and writing |
| read-dir ( c-addr u1 wdirid -- u2 flag wior ) gforth-0.5 | Directories |
| read-file ( c-addr u1 wfileid -- u2 wior ) file | General files |
| read-line ( c_addr u1 wfileid -- u2 flag wior ) file | General files |
| rec-body ( addr u -- xt translate-num | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-complex ( addr u -- z translate-complex | 0 ) gforth-1.0 | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-dtick ( addr u -- nt translate-num | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-env ( addr u -- addr u translate-env | 0 ) gforth-1.0 | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-float ( addr u -- r translate-float | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-meta ( addr u -- xt translate-to | 0 ) gforth-1.0 | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-moof2 ( addr u -- xt translate-moof2 | 0 ) mini-oof2 | Mini-OOF2 |
| rec-nt ( addr u -- nt translate-nt | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-num ( addr u -- n/d table | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-scope ( addr u -- nt rectype-nt | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-string ( addr u -- addr u' scan-translate-string | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-tick ( addr u -- xt translate-num | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| rec-to ( addr u -- xt n translate-to | 0 ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| recognize ( addr u rec-addr -- ... rectype ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| recognizer-sequence: ( xt1 .. xtn n "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| recurse ( ... -- ... ) core | Calls and returns |
| recursive ( compilation -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Calls and returns |
| refill ( -- flag ) core-ext,block-ext,file-ext | The Input Stream |
| rename-file ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- wior ) file-ext | General files |
| REPEAT ( compilation orig dest -- ; run-time -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| replace-word ( xt1 xt2 -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| replacer: ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Substitute |
| replaces ( addr1 len1 addr2 len2 -- ) string-ext | Substitute |
| reposition-file ( ud wfileid -- wior ) file | General files |
| represent ( r c-addr u -- n f1 f2 ) floating | Floating-point output |
| require ( ... "file" -- ... ) file-ext | Forth source files |
| required ( i*x addr u -- i*x ) file-ext | Forth source files |
| resize ( a_addr1 u -- a_addr2 wior ) memory | Heap Allocation |
| resize-file ( ud wfileid -- wior ) file | General files |
| resized ( -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| restart ( task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| restore ( compilation orig1 -- ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.7 | Exception Handling |
| restore-input ( x1 .. xn n -- flag ) core-ext | Input Sources |
| restrict ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Interpretation and Compilation Semantics |
| return-stack-cells ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| reveal ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Creating from a prototype |
| reveal! ( xt wid -- ) core-ext | Creating from a prototype |
| rol ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| roll ( x0 x1 .. xn n -- x1 .. xn x0 ) core-ext | Data stack |
| Root ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| ror ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| rot ( w1 w2 w3 -- w2 w3 w1 ) core | Data stack |
| rp! ( a-addr -- ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| rp@ ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| rp0 ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| rpick ( R:wu ... R:w0 u -- R:wu ... R:w0 wu ) gforth-1.0 | Return stack |
| rshift ( u1 u -- u2 ) core | Bitwise operations |
S |
| S" ( Interpretation 'ccc"' -- c-addr u ) core,file | String and character literals |
| s// ( addr u -- ptr ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| s\" ( Interpretation 'ccc"' -- c-addr u ) core-ext,file-ext | String and character literals |
| s+ ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| s>> ( addr -- addr ) regexp-replace | Regular Expressions |
| s>d ( n -- d ) core | Double precision |
| s>f ( n -- r ) floating-ext | Floating Point |
| s>number? ( addr u -- d f ) gforth-0.5 | Line input and conversion |
| s>unumber? ( c-addr u -- ud flag ) gforth-0.5 | Line input and conversion |
| safe/string ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-1.0 | String words |
| save-buffer ( buffer -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| save-buffers ( -- ) block | Blocks |
| save-cov ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Code Coverage |
| save-input ( -- x1 .. xn n ) core-ext | Input Sources |
| save-mem ( addr1 u -- addr2 u ) gforth-0.2 | Memory blocks and heap allocation |
| save-mem-dict ( addr1 u -- addr2 u ) gforth-0.7 | Dictionary allocation |
| savesystem ( "image" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Non-Relocatable Image Files |
| scan ( c-addr1 u1 c -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.2 | String words |
| scan-back ( c-addr u1 c -- c-addr u2 ) gforth-0.7 | String words |
| scope ( compilation -- scope ; run-time -- ) gforth-0.2 | Where are locals visible by name? |
| scr ( -- a-addr ) block-ext | Blocks |
| scrolled ( axis dir -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| scvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| seal ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| search ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag ) string | String words |
| search-wordlist ( c-addr count wid -- 0 | xt +-1 ) search | Word Lists |
| see ( "<spaces>name" -- ) tools | Examining compiled code |
| see-code ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.7 | Examining compiled code |
| see-code-range ( addr1 addr2 -- ) gforth-0.7 | Examining compiled code |
| select ( u1 u2 f -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Boolean Flags |
| selector ( "name" -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| semaphore ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Semaphores |
| send-event ( xt task -- ) gforth-experimental | Message queues |
| set ( something -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| set->comp ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| set->int ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| set-compsem ( xt -- ) gforth-experimental | Combined words |
| set-current ( wid -- ) search | Word Lists |
| set-dir ( c-addr u -- wior ) gforth-0.7 | Directories |
| set-does> ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | CREATE..DOES> details |
| set-execute ( ca -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| set-forth-recognize ( xt -- ) gforth-obsolete | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| set-name>link ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| set-name>string ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Header methods |
| set-optimizer ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | User-defined compile-comma |
| set-order ( widn .. wid1 n -- ) search | Word Lists |
| set-precision ( u -- ) floating-ext | Floating-point output |
| set-recognizers ( xt1 .. xtn n -- ) gforth-obsolete | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| set-stack ( x1 .. xn n stack -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| set-state ( xt -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| set-to ( to-xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| sf! ( r sf-addr -- ) floating-ext | Memory Access |
| sf@ ( sf-addr -- r ) floating-ext | Memory Access |
| sfalign ( -- ) floating-ext | Dictionary allocation |
| sfaligned ( c-addr -- sf-addr ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| sffield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) floating-ext | Standard Structures |
| sfloat/ ( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| sfloat% ( -- align size ) gforth-0.4 | Gforth structs |
| sfloat+ ( sf-addr1 -- sf-addr2 ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| sfloats ( n1 -- n2 ) floating-ext | Address arithmetic |
| sfvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| sh ( "..." -- ) gforth-0.2 | Passing Commands to the OS |
| sh-get ( c-addr u -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Passing Commands to the OS |
| shift-args ( -- ) gforth-0.7 | OS command line arguments |
| short-where ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| show ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| show-you ( -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| sign ( n -- ) core | Formatted numeric output |
| simple-fkey-string ( u1 -- c-addr u ) gforth-1.0 | Single-key input |
| simple-see ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.6 | Examining compiled code |
| simple-see-range ( addr1 addr2 -- ) gforth-0.6 | Examining compiled code |
| skip ( c-addr1 u1 c -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.2 | String words |
| sleep ( task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| SLiteral ( Compilation c-addr1 u ; run-time -- c-addr2 u ) string | Literals |
| slurp-fid ( fid -- addr u ) gforth-0.6 | General files |
| slurp-file ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-0.6 | General files |
| slvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| sm/rem ( d1 n1 -- n2 n3 ) core | Integer division |
| source ( -- addr u ) core | The Text Interpreter |
| source-id ( -- 0 | -1 | fileid ) core-ext,file | Input Sources |
| sourcefilename ( -- c-addr u ) gforth-0.2 | Forth source files |
| sourceline# ( -- u ) gforth-0.2 | Forth source files |
| sp! ( a-addr -- S:... ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| sp@ ( S:... -- a-addr ) gforth-0.2 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| sp0 ( -- a-addr ) gforth-0.4 | Stack pointer manipulation |
| space ( -- ) core | Miscellaneous output |
| spaces ( u -- ) core | Miscellaneous output |
| span ( -- c-addr ) core-ext-obsolescent | Line input and conversion |
| spawn ( xt -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| spawn1 ( x xt -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| spawn2 ( x1 x2 xt -- ) cilk | Cilk |
| split ( firstflag rstart1 rx -- o rstart2 ) minos2 | widget methods |
| stack ( n -- stack ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| stack-cells ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| stack: ( n "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| stack> ( stack -- x ) gforth-experimental | User-defined Stacks |
| stacksize ( -- u ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| stacksize4 ( -- u-data u-return u-fp u-locals ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| staged/-divisor ( addr1 -- addr2 ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| staged/-size ( -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| static ( -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| status-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| stderr ( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.2 | General files |
| stdin ( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.4 | General files |
| stdout ( -- wfileid ) gforth-0.2 | General files |
| stop ( -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| stop-dns ( dtimeout -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| stop-ns ( timeout -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| str< ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6 | String words |
| str= ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6 | String words |
| str=? ( addr1 addr u -- addr2 ) regexp-pattern | Regular Expressions |
| string-parse ( c-addr1 u1 "ccc<string>" -- c-addr2 u2 ) gforth-1.0 | The Input Stream |
| string-prefix? ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.6 | String words |
| string-suffix? ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- f ) gforth-1.0 | String words |
| string, ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Counted string words |
| struct ( -- align size ) gforth-0.2 | Gforth structs |
| sub-list? ( list1 list2 -- f ) gforth-internal | Locals implementation |
| substitute ( addr1 len1 addr2 len2 -- addr2 len3 n/ior ) string-ext | Substitute |
| success-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| swap ( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 ) core | Data stack |
| swvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| Synonym ( "name" "oldname" -- ) tools-ext | Aliases |
| system ( c-addr u -- ) gforth-0.2 | Passing Commands to the OS |
T |
| table ( -- wid ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| task ( ustacksize "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| text-color: ( rgba "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| text-emoji-color: ( rgbatext rgbaemoji "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| text-emoji-fade-color: ( rgbatext1 ~2 rgbaemoji1 ~2 "name" -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| THEN ( compilation orig -- ; run-time -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| third ( w1 w2 w3 -- w1 w2 w3 w1 ) gforth-1.0 | Data stack |
| this ( -- object ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| thread-deadline ( d -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| threading-method ( -- n ) gforth-0.2 | Threading Words |
| throw ( y1 .. ym nerror -- y1 .. ym / z1 .. zn error ) exception | Exception Handling |
| thru ( i*x n1 n2 -- j*x ) block-ext | Blocks |
| tib ( -- addr ) core-ext-obsolescent | The Text Interpreter |
| time&date ( -- nsec nmin nhour nday nmonth nyear ) facility-ext | Keeping track of Time |
| TO ( value "name" -- ) core-ext | Values |
| to-class: ( xt table "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| to-table: ( "name" "to-word" "+to-word" "addr-word" "action-of-word" "is-word" -- ) gforth-experimental | Words with user-defined TO etc. |
| to-this ( object -- ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| touchdown ( $rxy*n bmask -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| touchup ( $rxy*n bmask -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| toupper ( c1 -- c2 ) gforth-0.2 | Characters |
| translate-dnum ( dx -- | dx ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| translate-float ( r -- | r ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| translate-method: ( "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| translate-nt ( i*x nt -- j*x ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| translate-num ( x -- | x ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| translate: ( int-xt comp-xt post-xt "name" -- ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| traverse-wordlist ( ... xt wid -- ... ) tools-ext | Name token |
| true ( -- f ) core-ext | Boolean Flags |
| try ( compilation -- orig ; run-time -- R:sys1 ) gforth-0.5 | Exception Handling |
| try-recognize ( addr u xt -- results | false ) gforth-experimental | Dealing with existing Recognizers |
| tt ( u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating exception source |
| tuck ( w1 w2 -- w2 w1 w2 ) core-ext | Data stack |
| type ( c-addr u -- ) core | Displaying characters and strings |
| typewhite ( addr n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Displaying characters and strings |
U |
| u-[do ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-experimental | Counted Loops |
| U-DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| u. ( u -- ) core | Simple numeric output |
| u.r ( u n -- ) core-ext | Simple numeric output |
| u*/ ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| u*/mod ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 u5 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| u/ ( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| u/-stage1m ( u a-reci -- ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| u/-stage2m ( u1 a-reci -- uquotient ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| u/mod ( u1 u2 -- u3 u4 ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| u/mod-stage2m ( u1 a-reci -- umodulus uquotient ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| U+DO ( compilation -- do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) gforth-0.2 | Counted Loops |
| u< ( u1 u2 -- f ) core | Numeric comparison |
| u<= ( u1 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| u> ( u1 u2 -- f ) core-ext | Numeric comparison |
| u>= ( u1 u2 -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Numeric comparison |
| uallot ( n1 -- n2 ) gforth-0.3 | Task-local data |
| ud. ( ud -- ) gforth-0.2 | Simple numeric output |
| ud.r ( ud n -- ) gforth-0.2 | Simple numeric output |
| ud/mod ( ud1 u2 -- urem udquot ) gforth-0.2 | Integer division |
| UDefer ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Task-local data |
| ukeyed ( addr u -- ) minos2 | actor methods |
| um* ( u1 u2 -- ud ) core | Mixed precision |
| um/mod ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 ) core | Integer division |
| umax ( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Single precision |
| umin ( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-0.5 | Single precision |
| umod ( u1 u2 -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Integer division |
| umod-stage2m ( u1 a-reci -- umodulus ) gforth-1.0 | Two-stage integer division |
| uncolored-mode ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| under+ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n n2 ) gforth-0.3 | Single precision |
| unescape ( addr1 u1 dest -- dest u2 ) string-ext | Substitute |
| unlock ( semaphore -- ) gforth-experimental | Semaphores |
| unloop ( R:w1 R:w2 -- ) core | Counted Loops |
| UNREACHABLE ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Where are locals visible by name? |
| UNTIL ( compilation dest -- ; run-time f -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| unused ( -- u ) core-ext | Dictionary allocation |
| unused-words ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| up@ ( -- a-addr ) new | Task-local data |
| update ( -- ) block | Blocks |
| updated? ( n -- f ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| use ( "file" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Blocks |
| User ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Task-local data |
| user' ( "name" -- u ) gforth-experimental | Task-local data |
| utime ( -- dtime ) gforth-0.5 | Keeping track of Time |
| UValue ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Task-local data |
V |
| v* ( f-addr1 nstride1 f-addr2 nstride2 ucount -- r ) gforth-0.5 | Floating Point |
| Value ( w "name" -- ) core-ext | Values |
| value: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| value! ( x xt-value -- ) gforth-experimental | Values |
| value[]: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| value+! ( n xt-value -- ) gforth-experimental | Values |
| var ( m v size "name" -- m v' ) mini-oof2 | Basic Mini-OOF Usage |
| var ( size -- ) oof | Class Declaration |
| Variable ( "name" -- ) core | Variables |
| Varue ( w "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Varues |
| vglue ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vglue@ ( -- rtyp rsub radd ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vlist ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| Vocabulary ( "name" -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| vocs ( -- ) gforth-0.2 | Word Lists |
| vp-bottom ( o:vp -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vp-left ( o:vp -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vp-needed ( xt -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vp-reslide ( o:vp -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vp-right ( o:vp -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
| vp-top ( o:vp -- ) minos2 | widget methods |
W |
| w ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| w-color ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| w, ( x -- ) gforth-1.0 | Dictionary allocation |
| W: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| w! ( w c-addr -- ) gforth-0.7 | Special Memory Accesses |
| w@ ( c-addr -- u ) gforth-0.5 | Special Memory Accesses |
| w/o ( -- fam ) file | General files |
| W^ ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x -- ) gforth-0.2 | Locals definition words |
| w>s ( x -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| WA: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time x -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| wake ( task -- ) gforth-experimental | Basic multi-tasking |
| walign ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| waligned ( addr -- addr' ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| warning-color ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Terminal output |
| WARNING" ( compilation 'ccc"' -- ; run-time f -- ) gforth-1.0 | Exception Handling |
| warnings ( -- addr ) gforth-0.2 | Exception Handling |
| wbe ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| wfield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Standard Structures |
| where ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| whereg ( "name" -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
| WHILE ( compilation dest -- orig dest ; run-time f -- ) core | Arbitrary control structures |
| widget ( -- class ) minos2 | MINOS2 object framework |
| within ( u1 u2 u3 -- f ) core-ext | Numeric comparison |
| wle ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| word ( char "<chars>ccc<char>-- c-addr ) core | The Input Stream |
| wordlist ( -- wid ) search | Word Lists |
| wordlist-words ( wid -- ) gforth-0.6 | Word Lists |
| wordlists ( -- n ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| words ( -- ) tools | Word Lists |
| wrap-xt ( xt1 xt2 xt: xt3 -- ... ) gforth-1.0 | Deferred Words |
| write-file ( c-addr u1 wfileid -- wior ) file | General files |
| write-line ( c-addr u wfileid -- ior ) file | General files |
| wrol ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| wror ( u1 u -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Bitwise operations |
| WTF?? ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Debugging |
| wvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |
| ww ( u -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating uses of a word |
X |
| x ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
| x-size ( xc-addr u1 -- u2 ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| x-width ( xc-addr u -- n ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| x, ( x -- ) gforth-1.0 | Dictionary allocation |
| x! ( w c-addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| x@ ( c-addr -- u ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| x\string- ( xc-addr u1 -- xc-addr u2 ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| x>s ( x -- n ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xalign ( -- ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| xaligned ( addr -- addr' ) gforth-1.0 | Address arithmetic |
| xbe ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xc-size ( xc -- u ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc-width ( xc -- n ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc, ( xchar -- ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc!+ ( xc xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc!+? ( xc xc-addr1 u1 -- xc-addr2 u2 f ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc@ ( xc-addr -- xc ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc@+ ( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 xc ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xc@+? ( xc-addr1 u1 -- xc-addr2 u2 xc ) gforth-experimental | Xchars and Unicode |
| xchar- ( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| XCHAR-ENCODING ( -- addr u ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| XCHAR-MAXMEM ( -- u ) environment | Environmental Queries |
| xchar+ ( xc-addr1 -- xc-addr2 ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xd, ( xd -- ) gforth-1.0 | Dictionary allocation |
| xd! ( ud c-addr -- ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xd@ ( c-addr -- ud ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xd>s ( xd -- d ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xdbe ( ud1 -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xdle ( ud1 -- ud2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xemit ( xc -- ) xchar | Displaying characters and strings |
| xfield: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Standard Structures |
| xhold ( xc -- ) xchar-ext | Xchars and Unicode |
| xkey ( -- xc ) xchar | Xchars and Unicode |
| xkey? ( -- flag ) xchar | Single-key input |
| xle ( u1 -- u2 ) gforth-1.0 | Special Memory Accesses |
| xor ( w1 w2 -- w ) core | Bitwise operations |
| xt-locate ( nt/xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locating source code definitions |
| xt-new ( ... class xt -- object ) objects | Objects Glossary |
| xt-see ( xt -- ) gforth-0.2 | Examining compiled code |
| xt-see-code ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Examining compiled code |
| xt-simple-see ( xt -- ) gforth-1.0 | Examining compiled code |
| XT: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time xt1 -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| xt>name ( xt -- nt ) gforth-1.0 | Name token |
| XTA: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time ... -- ... ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| xywh ( -- rx0 ry0 rw rh ) minos2 | widget methods |
| xywhd ( -- rx ry rw rh rd ) minos2 | widget methods |
Y |
| y ( -- r ) minos2 | widget methods |
Z |
| z: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time z -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| za: ( compilation "name" -- a-addr xt; run-time z -- ) gforth-1.0 | Locals definition words |
| zvalue: ( u1 "name" -- u2 ) gforth-experimental | Varue-Flavoured and Defer-Flavoured Fields |