6.22.6 Terminal output

If you are outputting to a terminal, you may want to control the positioning of the cursor:

at-xy ( x y –  ) facility “at-x-y”

Put the curser at position x y. The top left-hand corner of the display is at 0 0.

at-deltaxy ( dx dy –  ) gforth-0.7 “at-deltaxy”

With the current position at x y, put the cursor at x+dx y+dy.

In order to know where to position the cursor, it is often helpful to know the size of the screen:

form ( – nlines ncols  ) gforth-0.2 “form”

And sometimes you want to use:

page ( ) facility “page”

Clear the screen

Note that on non-terminals you should use 12 emit, not page, to get a form feed. Color output

The following words are used to create (semantic) colorful output; further output is produced in the color and style given by the word; the actual color and style depends on the theme (see below).

default-color ( ) gforth “default-color”

use system-default color

error-color ( ) gforth “error-color”

error color: red

error-hl-inv ( ) gforth “error-hl-inv”

color mod for error highlight inverse

error-hl-ul ( ) gforth “error-hl-ul”

color mod for error highlight underline

warning-color ( ) gforth “warning-color”

color for warnings: blue/yellow on black terminals

info-color ( ) gforth “info-color”

color for info: green/cyan on black terminals

success-color ( ) gforth “success-color”

color for success: green

input-color ( ) gforth “input-color”

color for user-input: black/white (both bold)

status-color ( ) gforth “status-color”

color mod for status bar

compile-color ( ) gforth “compile-color”

color mod for status bar in compile mode Color themes

Depending on wether you prefer bright or dark background the foreground colors-theme can be changed by:

light-mode ( ) gforth “light-mode”

color theme for white background

dark-mode ( ) gforth “dark-mode”

color theme for black background

uncolored-mode ( ) gforth “uncolored-mode”

This mode does not set colors, but uses the default ones.

magenta-input ( ) gforth “magenta-input”

make input color easily recognizable (useful in presentations)