The search path is initialized when you start Gforth (see Invoking Gforth). You can display it and change it using fpath
combination with the general path handling words.
( – path-addr ) gforth-0.4 “fpath”
( – ) gforth-0.4 “.fpath”
Display the contents of the Forth search path.
( addr1 u1 – addr2 u2 ) gforth “file>fpath”
Searches for a file with the name c-addr1 u1 in the
. If successful, c-addr u2 is the absolute
file name or the file name relative to the current working
directory. Throws an exception if the file cannot be opened.
Here is an example of using fpath
and require
fpath path= /usr/lib/forth/|./ require timer.fs