Gforth provides ways to implement words in assembly language (using
), and also ways to define defining
words with arbitrary run-time behaviour (like does>
), where
(unlike does>
) the behaviour is not defined in Forth, but in
assembly language (with ;code
However, the machine-independent nature of Gforth poses a few
problems: First of all, Gforth runs on several architectures, so it
can provide no standard assembler. It does provide assemblers for
several of the architectures it runs on, though. Moreover, you can
use a system-independent assembler in Gforth, or compile machine code
directly with ,
and c,
Another problem is that the virtual machine registers of Gforth (the stack pointers and the virtual machine instruction pointer) depend on the installation and engine. Also, which registers are free to use also depend on the installation and engine. So any code written to run in the context of the Gforth virtual machine is essentially limited to the installation and engine it was developed for (it may run elsewhere, but you cannot rely on that).
Fortunately, you can define abi-code
words in Gforth that are
portable to any Gforth running on a platform with the same calling
convention (ABI); typically this means portability to the same
architecture/OS combination, sometimes crossing OS boundaries).
( – ) tools-ext “assembler”
A vocubulary: Replaces the wordlist at the top of the search order with the assembler wordlist.
( – ) gforth-0.2 “init-asm”
Pushes the assembler wordlist on the search order.
( "name" – colon-sys ) gforth “abi-code”
Start a native code definition that is called using the platform’s ABI conventions corresponding to the C-prototype:
Cell *function(Cell *sp, Float **fpp);
The FP stack pointer is passed in by providing a reference to a memory location containing the FP stack pointer and is passed out by storing the changed FP stack pointer there (if necessary).
( – ) gforth “semicolon-abi-code”
Ends the colon definition, but at run-time also changes the
last defined word X (which must be a create
d word) to call
the following native code using the platform’s ABI convention
corresponding to the C prototype:
Cell *function(Cell *sp, Float **fpp, Address body);
The FP stack pointer is passed in by providing a reference to a memory location containing the FP stack pointer and is passed out by storing the changed FP stack pointer there (if necessary). The parameter body is the body of X.
( colon-sys – ) gforth-0.2 “end-code”
End a code definition. Note that you have to assemble the
return from the ABI call (for abi-code
) or the dispatch
to the next VM instruction (for code
and ;code
( "name" – colon-sys ) tools-ext “code”
Start a native code definition that runs in the context of the
Gforth virtual machine (engine). Such a definition is not
portable between Gforth installations, so we recommend using
instead of code
. You have to end a
definition with a dispatch to the next virtual
machine instruction.
( compilation. colon-sys1 – colon-sys2 ) tools-ext “semicolon-code”
The code after ;code
becomes the behaviour of the last
defined word (which must be a create
d word). The same
caveats apply as for code
, so we recommend using
( c-addr u – ) gforth-0.2 “flush-icache”
Make sure that the instruction cache of the processor (if there is
one) does not contain stale data at c-addr and u bytes
afterwards. END-CODE
performs a flush-icache
automatically. Caveat: flush-icache
might not work on your
installation; this is usually the case if direct threading is not
supported on your machine (take a look at your machine.h) and
your machine has a separate instruction cache. In such cases,
does nothing instead of flushing the instruction
If flush-icache
does not work correctly, abi-code
etc. will not work (reliably), either.
The typical usage of these words can be shown most easily by analogy to the equivalent high-level defining words:
: foo abi-code foo <high-level Forth words> <assembler> ; end-code : bar : bar <high-level Forth words> <high-level Forth words> CREATE CREATE <high-level Forth words> <high-level Forth words> DOES> ;code <high-level Forth words> <assembler> ; end-code
For using abi-code
, take a look at the ABI documentation of
your platform to see how the parameters are passed (so you know where
you get the stack pointers) and how the return value is passed (so you
know where the data stack pointer is returned). The ABI documentation
also tells you which registers are saved by the caller (caller-saved),
so you are free to destroy them in your code, and which registers have
to be preserved by the called word (callee-saved), so you have to save
them before using them, and restore them afterwards. For some
architectures and OSs we give short summaries of the parts of the
calling convention in the appropriate sections. More
reverse-engineering oriented people can also find out about the
passing and returning of the stack pointers through see
Most ABIs pass the parameters through registers, but some (in particular the most common 386 (aka IA-32) calling conventions) pass them on the architectural stack. The common ABIs all pass the return value in a register.
Other things you need to know for using abi-code
is that both
the data and the FP stack grow downwards (towards lower addresses) in
Gforth, with 1 cells
size per cell, and 1 floats
per FP value.
Here’s an example of using abi-code
on the 386 architecture:
abi-code my+ ( n1 n2 -- n ) 4 sp d) ax mov \ sp into return reg ax ) cx mov \ tos 4 # ax add \ update sp (pop) cx ax ) add \ sec = sec+tos ret \ return from my+ end-code
An AMD64 variant of this example can be found in AMD64 (x86_64) Assembler.
Here’s a 386 example that deals with FP values:
abi-code my-f+ ( r1 r2 -- r ) 8 sp d) cx mov \ load address of fp cx ) dx mov \ load fp .fl dx ) fld \ r2 8 # dx add \ update fp .fl dx ) fadd \ r1+r2 .fl dx ) fstp \ store r dx cx ) mov \ store new fp 4 sp d) ax mov \ sp into return reg ret \ return from my-f+ end-code