1 Goals of Gforth

The goal of the Gforth Project is to develop a standard model for Standard Forth. This can be split into several subgoals:

To achieve these goals Gforth should be

Have we achieved these goals? Gforth conforms to the Forth-94 (ANS Forth) and Forth-2012 standards. We have changed some of the internal data structures (in particular, the headers) over time, so Gforth cannot be considered a stable model. It certainly has not yet become a de facto standard, but it appears to be quite popular. It has some similarities to and some differences from previous models. It has some powerful features, but not yet everything that we envisioned. We certainly have achieved our execution speed goals (see Performance)1. It is free and available on many machines.



However, in 1998 the bar was raised when the major commercial Forth vendors switched to native code compilers.