mini-oof.fs Implementation

Object-oriented systems with late binding typically use a “vtable”-approach: the first variable in each object is a pointer to a table, which contains the methods as function pointers. The vtable may also contain other information.

So first, let’s declare selectors:

: method ( m v "name" -- m' v ) Create  over , swap cell+ swap
  DOES> ( ... o -- ... ) @ over @ + @ execute ;

During selector declaration, the number of selectors and instance variables is on the stack (in address units). method creates one selector and increments the selector number. To execute a selector, it takes the object, fetches the vtable pointer, adds the offset, and executes the method xt stored there. Each selector takes the object it is invoked with as top of stack parameter; it passes the parameters (including the object) unchanged to the appropriate method which should consume that object.

Now, we also have to declare instance variables

: var ( m v size "name" -- m v' ) Create  over , +
  DOES> ( o -- addr ) @ + ;

As before, a word is created with the current offset. Instance variables can have different sizes (cells, floats, doubles, chars), so all we do is take the size and add it to the offset. If your machine has alignment restrictions, put the proper aligned or faligned before the variable, to adjust the variable offset. That’s why it is on the top of stack.

We need a starting point (the base object) and some syntactic sugar:

Create object  1 cells , 2 cells ,
: class ( class -- class selectors vars ) dup 2@ ;

For inheritance, the vtable of the parent object has to be copied when a new, derived class is declared. This gives all the methods of the parent class, which can be overridden, though.

: end-class  ( class selectors vars "name" -- )
  Create  here >r , dup , 2 cells ?DO ['] noop , 1 cells +LOOP
  cell+ dup cell+ r> rot @ 2 cells /string move ;

The first line creates the vtable, initialized with noops. The second line is the inheritance mechanism, it copies the xts from the parent vtable.

We still have no way to define new methods, let’s do that now:

: defines ( xt class "name" -- ) ' >body @ + ! ;

To allocate a new object, we need a word, too:

: new ( class -- o )  here over @ allot swap over ! ;

Sometimes derived classes want to access the method of the parent object. There are two ways to achieve this with Mini-OOF: first, you could use named words, and second, you could look up the vtable of the parent object.

: :: ( class "name" -- ) ' >body @ + @ compile, ;

Nothing can be more confusing than a good example, so here is one. First let’s declare a text object (called button), that stores text and position:

object class
  cell var text
  cell var len
  cell var x
  cell var y
  method init
  method draw
end-class button

Now, implement the two methods, draw and init:

:noname ( o -- )
 >r r@ x @ r@ y @ at-xy  r@ text @ r> len @ type ;
 button defines draw
:noname ( addr u o -- )
 >r 0 r@ x ! 0 r@ y ! r@ len ! r> text ! ;
 button defines init

To demonstrate inheritance, we define a class bold-button, with no new data and no new selectors:

button class
end-class bold-button

: bold   27 emit ." [1m" ;
: normal 27 emit ." [0m" ;

The class bold-button has a different draw method to button, but the new method is defined in terms of the draw method for button:

:noname bold [ button :: draw ] normal ; bold-button defines draw

Finally, create two objects and apply selectors:

button new Constant foo
s" thin foo" foo init
foo draw
bold-button new Constant bar
s" fat bar" bar init
1 bar y !
bar draw